HVM Catapult centre universities score high in REF2021

All HVM Catapult-aligned university departments are in the REF2021 top 25 nationally, with two reaching the top 10

Our centres are not only here to support businesses, they also produce world-class primary research in collaboration with other researchers.

Five of our centres form part of UK universities:

  • The AMRC and Nuclear AMRC are part of the University of Sheffield;
  • The NCC is part of the University of Bristol;
  • NMIS is part of the University of Strathclyde; and
  • WMG is part of the University of Warwick.

Alongside their business support services, their research prowess is measured by the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF).

We are proud that all HVM Catapult-aligned university departments sit in the top 25 nationally in REF2021, with Bristol and Sheffield reaching the top 10.

A connection to HVM Catapult is also a clear benefit to our university partners. Our affiliated departments scored far above the national average for both the impact of their research beyond academia and in fostering an outstanding environment for supporting research and enabling that impact.

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