What is a Catapult?

Catapults are independent not-for-profit private organisations transforming the UK’s capability for innovation in sectors of strength.

We are physical centres with cutting-edge R&D infrastructure including hubs, testbeds, factories and offices – as well as technical experts that prove breakthrough products, processes, services and technologies.

Find out more
Depiction of neural network

The Innovate UK Catapult Network

Catapults are a key tool in Innovate UK’s range of innovation support for businesses.
Each Catapult focuses on an area in which the UK has the potential to grow in strategically important global markets.

The HVM Catapult

With our centres of innovation, HVM Catapult operates slightly differently to other Catapults. This allows us to operate at a scale that matches the UK manufacturing sector.

Group of trainee manufacturers
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