High Value Manufacturing Catapult Modern Slavery Statement


The High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult understands that modern slavery and human trafficking represents some of the gravest violations of human rights and that risks are present in every sector and country. HVM Catapult has a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery of any kind in its operations and supply chain and is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities and supply chains. And therefore, whilst we are not legally obliged to report on modern slavery, we believe it is important to make this statement voluntarily.


Our business structure

HVM Catapult Limited is a company limited by guarantee (the HVM Catapult company) that brings together seven technology innovation centres which act as the process arm of the HVM Catapult. These seven centres are independent legal entities. The HVM Catapult was established by Innovate UK (then the Technology Strategy Board) to support and grow the advanced manufacturing sector in the UK. Innovate UK, together with UKRI and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, are our primary stakeholders. Through our centres, we work with manufacturing businesses of all sizes and from all sectors and help turn ideas into commercial applications by addressing the gap between technology concept and commercialisation.

The HVM Catapult company is located in Birmingham, England and employs 31 people, with all activities taking place in the United Kingdom. Our seven independent centres are situated across different locations within the UK, with their principal locations being Bristol, Coventry, Wilton, Sheffield and Glasgow.


Our policies on slavery and human trafficking

The HVM Catapult is committed to the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery in relation to human rights such as no forced labour or child labour. The HVM Catapult company maintains a Code of Conduct, including policies on slavery, anti-bribery and corruption and whistleblowing as part of a wider suite of policies, all of which are easily accessible by all HVM Catapult company staff and are reviewed on a regular basis.


Our supply chains

The HVM Catapult company has limited procurement activities. Procurement is led out of our small HQ office in iCentrum, Birmingham, total operating costs being c.£9m p.a. If any significant procurement activity were to take place in future, it would be carried out via a tender process setting out our expectations that our contractors comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We aim to inform all suppliers of our expectation that they comply with our supplier code of conduct which has requirements to cascade the principles through their own supply chain.


Risk mitigation for slavery and human trafficking

Over the period 22-23 actions have included:

  1. Reviewing modern slavery as part of the risk review process.
  2. Ensured we have complied with all employment law.
  3. Staff required to undertake mandatory training via e-learning module raising awareness of the Modern Slavery issues and the Act.


Further Steps

We will continue to:

  1. Routinely review modern slavery as part of the risk review process.
  1. Seek to include in our contracts, terms to specifically require compliance with our code of conduct, which we will share with our suppliers.
  2. Look to train our staff in identifying the signs of modern slavery or human trafficking and include such guidance within our induction process for all new employees. Employees will be made aware of process to report issues to management.
  3. To notify/remind suppliers we expect them to cascade our principles through their own supply chains.
  4. Update our process to ensure management act promptly where an issue has been flagged or identified.


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year to 31st March 2023. It was approved and endorsed by HVM Catapult’s Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors on 5 October 2023.


Katherine Bennett

Chief Executive Officer

Date:  5 October 2023

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