Pioneering Modern Methods of Construction for Liverpool’s recovery

The MTC is participating in a programme that could make the Liverpool city region a national centre of excellence for modern methods of construction for housing and related infrastructure.

The MTC is participating in a programme that could make the Liverpool city region a national centre of excellence for modern methods of construction for housing and related infrastructure.

The programme will develop cutting edge technology to retro-fit existing homes and build new homes using new, state-of-the-art, methods of construction. It is being developed in a collaboration between the Liverpool City Region (LCR) Combined Authority, the MTC, the Construction Innovation Hub, Peel Land and Property, Torus Group, Housing Associations, and industry partners.

The programme will aim to retrofit 10,000 homes over the next ten years, bringing them up to at least the EPC “C” rating for energy efficiency, as part of a post-COVID recovery stimulus package, whilst developing and upskilling the workforce by applying new methods and systems of refurbishments and construction.

Under the new build element of the programme, the MTC and LCR stakeholders have aggregated an initial pipeline of over 6,500 homes to be built over 10 years.


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