Developing premium sustainable bio-packaging

Packaging matters in every sector, With over two megatons of plastic packaging waste in the UK each year, a more sustainable alternative is sorely needed.

Packaging matters in every sector, With over two megatons of plastic packaging waste in the UK each year, a more sustainable alternative is sorely needed.  That’s where Oceanium Ltd, a seaweed processing company that purchases sustainably-farmed seaweed from UK sources to create plant-based nutraceuticals, food ingredients and sustainable bio-packaging, comes in.

Working with Oceanium as part of the European Regional Development Fund IMPACT project, CPI helped to develop an initial formulation for their bio-packaging materials which will provide the basis for film and board bio-packaging products, ‘Oceanware™’, that Oceanium is looking to trial in 2022. This exciting development in sustainable packaging looks likely to make a real difference to plastic usage.


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