29 March 2018

WMG data specialists helps streamline production at Warwickshire brewer

Purity Brewing Ltd is a small brewer based on a farm between Studley and Great Alne not far from Stratford upon Avon. Sales continue to boom, which means constantly balancing the production of their beers with growing customer demand.

Purity Brewing Ltd is a small brewer based on a farm between Studley and Great Alne not far from Stratford upon Avon. Sales continue to boom, which means constantly balancing the production of their beers with growing customer demand. The company turned to the SME team in WMG at the University of Warwick to help develop data systems to manage this complex operation while they get on with brewing the beer.

Andrew Thurston, Finance Director at Purity Brewing said:

“The WMG SME Group quickly identified our technical and business challenges. The new production tool will save us money and support Purity with its rapid growth.”

Purity Brewing benefitted from collaborative project support through the WMG SME Group’s Product Innovation Accelerator Project, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. This helps manufacturing SMEs within Coventry and Warwickshire and the Black Country are to create, test and develop new products, improve processes and access innovation support.

Dr Daniel Peavoy, Innovation Manager, at WMG said:

“We worked with Purity’s production manager to create a database to hold their production and warehouse data. We devised a set of tailored queries for the database and provided a means of employing data analytics to forecast the future demand from past sales and schedule the required production.”

The database created for Purity can be integrated directly with their IT and office systems. The new automated data transfer system will save Purity one day of effort per fortnight, freeing them up to brew more beer. The improved demand forecasting will also reduce the risk of incorrect deliveries and give more time to deliver continued quality to their consumer base.

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