17 November 2017

UK Manufacturing Forum: from research to UK success

“For an advanced economy, the path to competitiveness is not to copy what others are doing. It is to do things that others cannot do, or to do things in different and better ways.” 

“For an advanced economy, the path to competitiveness is not to copy what others are doing. It is to do things that others cannot do, or to do things in different and better ways.”

(Building our Industrial Strategy: Green Paper, 2017)

UK manufacturing technology

That philosophy underpins everything that the High Value Manufacturing Catapult is trying to do but to maximise our impact we must keep improving how we work to translate the UK’s world-class research into commercial outcomes.

We begin from strong foundations: the UK has an enviable research and translation infrastructure with many rich collaborations between industry and academia. We want to build on our current strengths and deliver a potent strategy for high value manufacturing in the future. The High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult in partnership with the UK Manufacturing Professors Forum is therefore organising the first UK Manufacturing Forum.

The Forum will bring together leading academics, senior figures from industry and the HVM Catapult to explore both emerging trends and opportunities for collaboration across the national manufacturing ecosystem to lever the greatest benefit for the UK and multiply our economic impact.

We will look to explore how best to maximise impact for UK PLC by improving how we work to translate the UK’s world-class research into commercial outcomes, explore the existing ecosystem and use vehicles such as industrial strategy and other established mechanisms to build collaborations that will transform the UK landscape and build a broad national manufacturing Research and Innovation strategy.

We hope that this will be the first of a more regular gathering, as an annual event that can better connect the Manufacturing research and innovation ecosystem and pull together a broader national manufacturing strategy as well as sharing updates.

The UK Manufacturing Forum: from research to UK success will take place on Friday 1st December between 08.30-16.00.

To register your interest in attending please email megan.phipps@hvm.catapult.org.uk before close of play 26th November 2017.

UK manufacturing montage

whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London