Vaccine taskforce

The UK’s vaccine programme has been vital in combatting COVID-19. In April 2020, CPI joined the UK Government’s Vaccine Taskforce to support the manufacture and formulation of novel mRNA vaccine candidates in the fight against the virus.

The UK’s vaccine programme has been vital in combatting COVID-19. In April 2020, CPI joined the UK Government’s Vaccine Taskforce to support the manufacture and formulation of novel mRNA vaccine candidates in the fight against the virus. Using its facility in Darlington, CPI played a key role in the development, scale-up, manufacture and supply of the vaccine being developed at Imperial College London. Following on from this work, CPI received a further investment of £5m from the UK Government to establish a ‘library’ of mRNA vaccines.  The library will help in the fight against new COVID-19 variants and ensure that new vaccines can be rapidly scaled-up and manufactured for clinical trials. This work is helping to protect people and the economy in the longer term.


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