As part of the COAST programme, and with the research expertise of Durham University and scale-up experience of CPI at their fingertips, more than 60 SMEs were able to speed their ideas – including 11 products or processes which were completely new – to market.
Nanomaterials and engineered particles are exciting innovations that have the potential to transform products as diverse as stain-repellent fabrics and diagnostic biosensors. To encourage better use of these technologies in the UK, CPI partnered with Durham University to accelerate nanomaterial-enhanced products to market with SMEs across County Durham.
As part of the COAST programme, and with the research expertise of Durham University and scale-up experience of CPI at their fingertips, more than 60 SMEs were able to speed their ideas – including 11 products or processes which were completely new – to market. In addition to helping to confirm County Durham as a national centre for nanomaterial manufacturing, CPI’s work meant that 55 jobs were created, many in the County Durham area, demonstrating the strength of our regionally targeted SME development activity.
55 Jobs created
GVA of between £3.06m and £3.87m generated
£4.7m of additional funding or investment secured by SMEs
…as a direct result of this work
“To go from an idea to a proven, commercial product in less than two years is nothing less than extraordinary.”
Sandy Chen, CEO, Graphene Composites
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Helping an SME halve lead times and boost sales
The MTC created and supported Raybloc through a development journey to achieve the goals of the business that began with coaching and mentoring the workforce and helping the business to understand the priorities, issues, culture and opportunities of the current-state.
3 February 2022
Keeping a watchmakers’ machine tool ticking over
The AMRC’s support means that Loomes & Co now have an improved machining process; knowledge of basic machining practices; skills development including design software; redesigned fixtures; and sample part production. Sometimes it’s the simplest of interventions that give firms the freedom to innovate.
3 February 2022
Less than five weeks to become the UK’s largest supplier of critical PPE
The Black Country-based Ramfoam secured a contract to supply the UK Government with 3.5 million face visors per week to help protect workers across the public sector. To achieve this, they had to scale their output by 300 times in a matter of weeks.
2 February 2022